Explain Yourself, Dean!!!

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Dean would like everyone to think he has done this all by himself. It just ain't so.
Granted, Dean has done ninety-nine point nine percent of all the grunt work.
However, without a carefully nurtured support system, things would rapidly unravel.
This refers to the top of the suppliers such as Becker Metals all the way down to the mechanic who keeps the trucks running.
Things don't happen in a vacuum.
Many people are amazed at what is unfolding and some people are oblivious to what it means to step out on a limb.
To all those who tolerate and/or assist Dean in his eccentricity; thanks.
To all of those who are indifferent; Dean is indifferent as well. They will die in the same village they were born.
To those who throw stumbling blocks in his path; there is a special place in hell for you.
And since Dean will have the garbage pickup franchise when he arrives there, plan on your garbage accumulating- for eternity.